Unlock IDEA net setter

Unlock idea net setter-

Using idea net setter with a different sim having an internet offer at low rates is pretty, as the recharging offer for idea net setter sim has just touches the extremity of extravaganza.

Here is some explanations for using idea net setter with a sim of any other net work.

Now you try to connect the idea net setter with a different sim, will be asked to enter the unlock code. So you need an unlock code for using idea net with any other sim. You can unlock the idea net setter by using the imei number available on the back side of idea net setter. Using that imei number the unlock code is generated with some mathematical functions. You can download calculator to perform that mathematical function by searching 'unlock idea net setter unlock' query in google. After downloading the idea net setter calculator perform the following steps to use .

1. Click the tools in the idea net setter window, and click on the options(image below).

2. Click on 'profile manangement'---> 'new'--->type a profile name--->select 'static'--->type APN--->then SAVE(image below).For APN of your network READ THIS POST.

3. Click on 'network' option--->'registration mode'--->'manual search and register--->'refresh'--->'register'--->'ok'(image below).

Now finished the steps associating unlock idea net setter!!!!