Track what others had in your computer using key logger!!! It tracks the keys one pressed in the keyboard for the installed system!!!
Keylogger offers special support for network activities. In its log, you can see a full list of visited web pages. Using time stamps, you can match the pages with the text that was typed or pasted from the Clipboard. Once it is clear what your child did on each site, it's up to you to allow or forbid the activity. You can use either Internet Properties or a dedicated firewall to block access to sites with questionable content!!!
some technical amenments:
Keystroke logging (often called keylogging) is the action of tracking (or logging) the keys struck on a keyboard, typically in a covert manner so that the person using the keyboard is unaware that their actions are being monitored. There are numerous keylogging methods, ranging from hardware and software-based approaches to electromagnetic and acoustic analysis.
These are software programs designed to work on the target computer’s operating system. From a technical perspective there are five categories:
* Hypervisor-based: The keylogger can theoretically reside in a malware hypervisor running underneath the operating system, which remains untouched. It effectively becomes a virtual machine. Blue Pill is a conceptual example.
* Kernel based: This method is difficult both to write and to combat. Such keyloggers reside at the kernel level and are thus difficult to detect, especially for user-mode applications. They are frequently implemented as rootkits that subvert the operating system kernel and gain unauthorized access to the hardware, making them very powerful. A keylogger using this method can act as a keyboard driver for example, and thus gain access to any information typed on the keyboard as it goes to the operating system.
* API-based: These keyloggers hook keyboard APIs; the operating system then notifies the keylogger each time a key is pressed and the keylogger simply records it. APIs such as GetAsyncKeyState(), GetForegroundWindow(), etc. are used to poll the state of the keyboard or to subscribe to keyboard events. These types of keyloggers are the easiest to write, but where constant polling of each key is required, they can cause a noticeable increase in CPU usage, and can also miss the occasional key. A more recent example simply polls the BIOS for preboot authentication PINs that have not been cleared from memory.
* Form Grabber based: Form Grabber-based keyloggers log web form submissions by recording the web browsing onSubmit event functions. This records form data before it is passed over the internet and bypasses https encryption.
* Packet analyzers: This involves capturing network traffic associated with HTTP POST events to retrieve unencrypted passwords.
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